Cold King Bird

has focused massively on songwriting, aiming to create catchy pop esque songs with captivating lyrics taking inspiration from the likes of Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Elliot Smith, Kurt Cobain and many more.

After mastering the art of songwriting there came the next demand on the modern musical path: production.

In terms of producing songs in a modern way C. K. Bird has taken inspiration from various sources in the mainstream such as rap and pop, the aim being novelty, catchyness and innovating on old formulas.

cold king bird artist

Every song is entirely written recorded and produced by C. K. Bird with help coming in on the mixing and mastering stage (the final stage a song has to go through in order for it to be presented to the public in its ultimate form).

Each song has its own story – gestation period and flare, great care is taken to provide something new and interesting to the listener while not straying too far from the path of familiarity.